Laura Moreno, 68, finds herself serving as the unofficial translator almost everywhere she goes in her Spanish-speaking community—church, the rec center, even the Grauwyler Park Library in Dallas, where she takes Oasis Connections classes to stay up to speed with technology.

The hands-on, step-by-step instructions helped Laura get comfortable using Microsoft Word, the Internet and email, but she knows most of her fellow Connections learners need an additional barrier removed to experience the same kind of success. They need the information in their own language—Spanish– content that is now available for nine courses. Additionally, two courses are currently translated to Korean.

“I’m happy to help if I can, but everyone has a better experience learning something new if they can understand the instructions,” says Laura, whose own quality of life has changed dramatically as a result of her new-found tech savvy.

Laura Moreno, Oasis Participant

Laura worked in a beauty shop for 40 years and had no need to use computers, but when the shop burned down, she quickly discovered that most other shops required basic technology skills that she didn’t have. She opted for retirement, but was determined to change with the times anyway.

“Learning to use the computer has impacted every aspect of my life,” she says. “Since I don’t drive, I have easy access to my lab results from my doctor, and even Bible study is better, because I can get emails and reading assignments. I will definitely keep taking classes. There is always more to learn.”

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Connections Impact

  • More than 90,000 students have enrolled in 170+ sites.
  • More than 30 courses are offered.

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Laura Moreno is featured in the 2014 Oasis Annual Report