Matt Geekie, The Oasis Institute Board ChairmanThe efforts of people who contribute to our communities are critical to solving some of today’s most perplexing problems: under resourced education and costly healthcare. We simply need more people willing and able to tackle these challenges. Oasis has a solution with the potential for long-term impact.

Seniors can be an invaluable resource when empowered with good health and an understanding of how much they have to contribute now and into the future. They can make lasting changes for themselves and their peers.

Oasis Tutor & studentThose who choose to volunteer as mentors can expand their reach even further—by tutoring with the Oasis Intergenerational Tutoring program or teaching children about the benefits of good nutrition and physical activity with the CATCH Healthy Habits program. Oasis is helping to create a steady pipeline of active, healthy adults who are less likely to need costly medical care, and are prepared to make their own imprint.

Today Oasis touches the lives of more than 50,000 individuals, many who are generous with their time and their financial resources. We are so grateful to our participants, volunteers and our wonderful donors who give year after year to ensure that Oasis is financially strong.

Our challenge is to reach a larger number of adults with an important message: each of you has the power to bring about tremendous and lasting change. Tell someone about Oasis.

Read more about the impact of Oasis in our 2015 Annual Report.