Live online courses led by top Oasis Instructors from across the country.

Spreading the reach of lifelong learning, health, and technology, virtually.

Oasis Everywhere Offers Virtual Classes from Oasis Centers Nationwide

Need Help?
Text or Call (314) 687-1116

Oasis Everywhere offers live online courses from top instructors nationwide, making learning accessible regardless of location or mobility. Use your existing Oasis account to register for interactive classes conducted via Zoom – an easy-to-use online video platform that can be downloaded for free to any mobile or desktop device. You’ll receive a secure link 24-48 hours before the class starts, making it easy to join from any device.

Oasis San Antonio
Oasis St Louis Logo

Bypassing boundaries by bringing the classes you love right to your screen!

Class Categories

New to Oasis Everywhere?

Oasis Everywheres’ Amy VanDeVelde gives you a virtual tour and instructions on how to register for your first Oasis Everywhere online class.

New to Zoom Video?

Zoom logo

Take a virtual class! Watch these videos to learn more.

Watch these helpful video tutorials on how to install Zoom, how to use the Zoom controls as well as tips and tricks for looking your best during your online debut.

Installing Zoom on PC

Using Zoom controls

Tips on light for Zoom

Dos and donts of Zoom

Oasis Everywhere featured on the TODAY Show!

Oasis participants, Barbra and Carole’s friendship blossomed through taking virtual classes on Oasis Everywhere. Watch this heartwarming piece produced by NBC’s The TODAY Show about making new friends.

Still have questions?

Venn Diagram of Oasis Everywhere and Local Oasis Centers

We want to hear from you!

Have a question related to class registration on the Oasis Everywhere site?
Please call 314-687-1116 or email Oasis Everywhere support at [email protected].

Having trouble seeing the text on your device?
Take a look at our Accessibility page for tips on how to increase your font size or contrast for easier viewing.

Get answers by reading our FAQs
Read our FAQs regarding Oasis Everywhere and Zoom.

Do you have additional questions or comments?
Please email us at [email protected]