ST. LOUIS, Feb. 18, 2015 – The AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation’s Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM program is awarding a grant of $223,501 to Oasis Institute to support its Get Pumped! program, which works to improve cardiovascular health in the community.
Get Pumped! aims to improve the health behaviors of adults living in nine high-risk ZIP codes in the St. Louis area who have at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease (hypertension, physical inactivity or diabetes) by providing health screenings, education and exercise programs at community locations using mobile health and evidence-based programs.
“Despite a variety of community efforts to improve heart health, some areas actually worsened, while others improved. Seeing this, Oasis and the Urban League came together to address this disparity,” said Sarah Lovegreen, National Health Director at Oasis. “Over the course of a year we will track 240 enrolled participants to measure how their risk factors are impacted.”
“Cardiovascular disease remains a leading cause of death in the United States, which is why we must find new ways to help prevent and decrease the risks associated with this disease,” said James W. Blasetto, MD, MPH, FACC, chairman of the AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation. “The AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation is proud to provide funding to Oasis Institute’s innovative program to help improve cardiovascular health in their community.”
The Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM program annually awards grants to U.S.-based nonprofit organizations across the country. More than $2.6 million in grants to 13 organizations will be announced this year. More than $17 million in grants have been awarded through the program since its inception in 2010. In 2015, the Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM program will award grants from $150,000 to $180,000. Organizations can learn more and apply online for a Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM grant at Applications must be submitted online no later than 5 p.m. EST on Feb. 26, 2015.
About The Oasis Institute
The Oasis Institute is a national nonprofit organization that promotes successful aging through lifelong learning, health programs and volunteer engagement. The Oasis vision is to see that adults age 50-plus across the country have opportunities to pursue vibrant, healthy, productive and meaningful lives. Founded in 1982, Oasis has a national membership of 360,000 adults and serves 52,000 people annually through partnerships in 49 cities. The Oasis Institute in St. Louis is the national headquarters. For more information, visit or call 314-862-2933.
About AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation
Established in 1993, the AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation is a Delaware not-for-profit corporation and a 501(c)(3) entity organized for charitable purposes, including to promote public awareness of healthcare issues, to promote public education of medical knowledge and to support or contribute to charitable and qualified exempt organizations consistent with its charitable purpose. Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM was launched in 2010 through a charitable contribution of $25 million from AstraZeneca.
Media Inquiries
Public Communications Inc.: Colleen O’Donnell, 312-558-1770
Oasis Institute: Janice Branham, 314-862-2933 ext 229
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