by Stan Berenstain & Jan Berenstain

Explore MyPlate and where the student’s favorite foods fit. Are there better choices? 

Students identify healthy foods, use the food pyramid (Note: Since this session plan was developed, the USDA has replaced the Food Guide Pyramid with MyPlate. MyPlate is online at to discuss categories and cut out pictures of various foods.

Students create a healthy menu using a variety from different food groups.

Random House Books, ©1985

Session plan: After reading the book together, discuss the types of food that the student likes to eat. Are they healthy choices – why or why not? If not, are there better choices? See if the student can identify where on MyPlate the various foods represented on the food cards or magazine pictures belong.

The student can write a few sentences about favorite foods and their relationship to the food pyramid. A background sheet is included.

Download the session plan: GettingandStayingHealthyFoodsTutoringPlan


